Starter list Horse and Pony training show 15/1/2022
10am Xpoles
1 Vera Cambell Rolo

50cm 10.10am
1 Sunny Lee Pike

60cm 10.15am
1 Cara Catherine Patterson

70cm 10.30am
1 Daisy Sarah Pike
2 Vinny Olivia Roulston
3 Maggie Stephen Gibson
4 Moana Sarah Eakin
5 Freya Rachel Ward
6 Derrymattery Fudge Sarah Pike
7 Brooke Olivia Roulston

80cm 10.55am
1 Angel Madison You g
2 Lexa Olivia Roulston
3 Tom Ryan Hunter
4 Bailey Sarah Mawhinney
5 Daisy Sarah Pike
6 Ruby Ciara Collins
7 Carrabawn jewel Catherine Patterson
8 Touch of Ferro Holly Stewart
9 Maverick Olivia Roulston

90cm 11.30am
1 Boris Ryan Hunter
2 Bailey Sarah Mawhinney
3 Troy Marina Stewart
4 Sid Jacob Stewart
5 Alice Sarah Bailie
6 Susie Beth Hayes
7 Tommy Ted Gibson
8 Ruby Ciara Collins
9 Touch of Ferro Holly Stewart
10 Tom Ryan Hunter
11 Laura Cornett

1m 12am
1 Murray Justine Harding
2 Joey Danielle logan
3 Boris Ryan Hunter
4 Nes Sarah Bailie
5 Susie Beth Hayes
6 Millie Olivia Roulston
7 Skye Katie Gibson
8 Jack Jill McElrath
9 Sam Katie Gibson
10 Laura Cornett

1.10m 12.30am
1 Ruby Justine Harding